today..I'm gonna share with all of working a perioperative nurse ^^~
15 August 2011…Monday…..first day for me…and my friends…we left behind our sweet memories as a student….and trying to adapt with our new world…as a worker….I mean…specifically...a NURSE…ahhh…unbelievable..time surely flying fast…hahaha..yaaa…and now..I’ve been a nurse for 2 weeks…
18 August I’ll always bear in my mind…because it is the first day for me (and friends of course^^)…log in to e-warga as a worker…not a student anymore..!!!!!and introduce ourselves to other workers…. “I’m new staff here…”….^^…haha…a little bit weird things to say……but it’s reality…and I’m still having shy-sickness to use that phrase to introduce my selves….and often makes mistake….. I’ll use “Hello..I’m student nurse….” Instead of “I’m a nurse”…hahaha…
And the best part is….originally I always want to be an Architect …or something related to graphic and designing……and look…who am I now…..I’ve pass through the biggest job detour……things that I’m not interested before…..but finally..I’ve found something that I’m into it….The Operation Theatre….and it’s my first choice…..and now…I’m officially a perioperative nurse….but still waiting to be assign as a scrub nurse and circulating nurse…..It must be a tough job……but I’m ready to be a part of them!!!!!!!!!!!....
First day of work..I’m fully and truly and sincerely awkward…since now I’m holding full responsibilities ..both on my shoulders…and now I’m in the same shoes like the other hospital workers….since Raye is getting near…I’m really worried with the Raye Holiday……….I’m still a kids you know…haha…still need duit raye…and Alhamdulillah…Me and my partner…(KAK Barie) got holiday leave for a week …yeayyy….
Second day…hahaha……I’ don’t know he is an Icu’s Doc…not an anaest…….how could I recognize them such in hurry….I just start to work for 2 days only…kyaa~…..I’m still working in reception……but I think it’s quite simple jobs…..haha…just waiting for patients from their wards…give them a little bit OT orientation and asking them about consent….and waiting for staff from waiting bay to collect them.....that’s all….and since I’m working for office hours….i’ll break at 1pm until 2pm…sleeping in the surau……hahahhaa…eventhough it’s not a tired work…….~
Weekend……….at last…I can woke up late….hahahaha….~
2nd week of working…became more confident than before……Can communicate a little bit well….Just adapted with the reception environment…….on Thursday…was assign by KJ (=sister) to in charge recovery…..Thursday was quite busy…..Operation list was unusually longer than before….but it’s always expected to be like that…since Tuesday and Thursday OT is usually active…but seriously..nothing much to do in recovery area….unless…..patient had done with their OT which usually took 3 – 4hours in OT room..!!!!...Got s couple of chances to handle with care patients under Local Sedation(LA)……which is much easier than handling patients with GA……..worth experience ever…^^…and my hobbies in recovery and waiting bay is……kept on checking latest specimen…hahaha..I mean..specimen such as appendix , tumor , cyst, kidney stone , intestine…..and etc……..yeay…new hobbies…and also kept on wandering around the OT area….and always hoping it’s 5 pm…hahahha….
Proud to be a part of them….On Tuesday..having an interview with Prof. and also Nurse manager…..they ask me…why do you choose to be OT staff instead of ward staff…And my answer is….just simple…OT is a special place where everyone outside from OT can’t easily access OT without permission..unless you’re part of them…I can go to other department anytime if I want…or if I wanted to visit someone….but I can’t easily went into OT room if I’m just an ordinary staff…hahaha…that’s why I choose to be OT staff….where I can gain a lot of experience..handling unconscious and semi-conscious patients whom was under operations………….assisting doctors and anaest in the OT room…..I’m soooo gorgeous…..hahahah~….( I knoe…lots of nurses will surely said..OT nurse will loss skills…..but it isn’t necessary isn’t…?!)
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