Finally I'm back to update some stories after about a month celebrating Eidul Fitri and completely forgot to upload something new in my blog...hihihi..oopps..hmm..actually I'm really busy with clinical posting in Crtitical Area....hohoho...busy with tons of assignment and also RESEARCH...hmm..still in progress...well...currently I was posting in CICU -Cardiothioracic Intensive Care Unit- , PPUKM...and tomorrow gonna be the last day for us -Izah & Farahim-...hmm..from my experience posting in Critical Unit..I think I prefer to work in OT - operation theater- & CCU -Cardiac care unit - (hohoho..If I'm not mistaken..) than other wards/unit..because don't know why..but may be because of environmental factors make me felt like that... ;?
Nevertheless...hehe...there's something I'll upload later....because of my Adobe Photoshop magazine..I feel much better..kikikikiki...
Bye for now..I'll make another topic to share something else...
syok kan..?hohoho...